Where did it all start, this fascination with energy work? I couldn’t exactly say, but I have always been interested in health; my mother had acupuncture and was always open to “alternatives”. I always wanted everyone to be well but I definitely didn’t want to be a nurse and look after people so I trained as a medical secretary, which felt like the best option!
Psychic awareness
I started work for the NHS locally then moved to London where I began temping in the business sector to broaden my skills and earn more money. I worked in some amazing organisations with great people and I was working for Shell when I met someone who was interested in psychic development. She introduced me to the College of Psychic Studies and we went for readings, she also introduced me to the Barbara Brennan books. Life was opening up in new ways.
Saudi Arabia
In the late 80s I was bored and needed a new challenge, so I applied for a job in the Middle East. It wasn’t long before I was flying off to Saudi Arabia, quite a change from my life in London! Initially, I found the restrictions difficult to cope with but I felt welcomed. My friends and colleagues lived from their hearts rather than their heads, they were warm hearted and generous, there was also a lot of laughter. Saudi Arabia became my home and gave me the opportunity to question my own narrow western perspective and assumptions.
From predictable to change
The days settled into a predictable rhythm, punctuated by the sound of the call to prayer. Then came the first Gulf War and there was fear of invasion, or attack by poison gas. Saddam Hussain’s army set fire to the oil fields in Kuwait as they were retreating and for a while we lived under a pall of black smoke, everything was covered with an oily film. The situation settled and I stayed for another few years. Someone bought me a copy of You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, a book that shows you how to begin to make changes in very simple terms.
On my return to the UK my health was poor and I suffered from exhaustion. It was difficult to readjust to the UK, the energy felt flat and I was homesick for Arabia. Searching for ways to improve my health, I had regular massage and one day tried someone different, I could feel energy running from her hands; I asked her what it was, she told me about Reiki and I soon did the Level 1 Attunement. I still needed something more and saw Val Lawrence for my first experience of homeopathy. The little pills were suffused with magic and I didn’t need to understand how or why they worked because I knew that they had a profound effect!
During that time I became passionate about energy work and complementary medicine. I became a Reiki Master and was attuned to another amazing energy healing system, Zimbate. I read all the books I could lay my hands on by authors such as Wayne Dyer, Andrew Harvey and Gregg Braden. I attended meditation classes, self-development workshops, Tai Chi, and people came to me for Reiki and Zimbate. All the time I was searching for a way to live that was in balance and more connected to all of life. I met wonderful people who were all passionate about the same things that I was discovering, it was an exciting and expansive time.
Fast forward 15 years, whilst caring for my mother who had vascular dementia I decided to find a homeopath. I didn’t know if Val was still working but opened Yellow Pages on the very page with her name on it. I went back to Val and she still had my notes from all those years ago. Caring for mum was difficult and heart wrenching, but it taught me about love and life, one of the most important things I learnt was to be completely in the moment with her. I constantly used energy work and homeopathy with mum to help keep her well and in her own home; her faith was important to her too and the energy she received with Communion made her shine.
Everything fell into place
Mum died in 2013 and I went back to office work, I knew it had become critical for me to find a different way to work, but how? Quite by “chance” I had a conversation with Val and discovered that she was planning to run the Foundation year in Homeopathy in Bexhill. We had a long chat, during which I found reasons why I wouldn’t be able to join the course, all red herrings, because I actually felt very excited by the idea! Everything fell into place and I started the course in October at the College of Visionary Homeopathy. I have moments of self-doubt and still work part-time, but life feels very different as it opens up again with the possibility of a new working life at the end of my studies completely in tune with my beliefs. I feel as though I am in the right place and that the whole of my life has been leading me to Homeopathy.
Jackie Collins LCVH, Reiki and Zimbate practitioner, graduate of the College of Visionary Homeopathy.
Psychic awareness
I started work for the NHS locally then moved to London where I began temping in the business sector to broaden my skills and earn more money. I worked in some amazing organisations with great people and I was working for Shell when I met someone who was interested in psychic development. She introduced me to the College of Psychic Studies and we went for readings, she also introduced me to the Barbara Brennan books. Life was opening up in new ways.
Saudi Arabia
In the late 80s I was bored and needed a new challenge, so I applied for a job in the Middle East. It wasn’t long before I was flying off to Saudi Arabia, quite a change from my life in London! Initially, I found the restrictions difficult to cope with but I felt welcomed. My friends and colleagues lived from their hearts rather than their heads, they were warm hearted and generous, there was also a lot of laughter. Saudi Arabia became my home and gave me the opportunity to question my own narrow western perspective and assumptions.
From predictable to change
The days settled into a predictable rhythm, punctuated by the sound of the call to prayer. Then came the first Gulf War and there was fear of invasion, or attack by poison gas. Saddam Hussain’s army set fire to the oil fields in Kuwait as they were retreating and for a while we lived under a pall of black smoke, everything was covered with an oily film. The situation settled and I stayed for another few years. Someone bought me a copy of You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, a book that shows you how to begin to make changes in very simple terms.
On my return to the UK my health was poor and I suffered from exhaustion. It was difficult to readjust to the UK, the energy felt flat and I was homesick for Arabia. Searching for ways to improve my health, I had regular massage and one day tried someone different, I could feel energy running from her hands; I asked her what it was, she told me about Reiki and I soon did the Level 1 Attunement. I still needed something more and saw Val Lawrence for my first experience of homeopathy. The little pills were suffused with magic and I didn’t need to understand how or why they worked because I knew that they had a profound effect!
During that time I became passionate about energy work and complementary medicine. I became a Reiki Master and was attuned to another amazing energy healing system, Zimbate. I read all the books I could lay my hands on by authors such as Wayne Dyer, Andrew Harvey and Gregg Braden. I attended meditation classes, self-development workshops, Tai Chi, and people came to me for Reiki and Zimbate. All the time I was searching for a way to live that was in balance and more connected to all of life. I met wonderful people who were all passionate about the same things that I was discovering, it was an exciting and expansive time.
Fast forward 15 years, whilst caring for my mother who had vascular dementia I decided to find a homeopath. I didn’t know if Val was still working but opened Yellow Pages on the very page with her name on it. I went back to Val and she still had my notes from all those years ago. Caring for mum was difficult and heart wrenching, but it taught me about love and life, one of the most important things I learnt was to be completely in the moment with her. I constantly used energy work and homeopathy with mum to help keep her well and in her own home; her faith was important to her too and the energy she received with Communion made her shine.
Everything fell into place
Mum died in 2013 and I went back to office work, I knew it had become critical for me to find a different way to work, but how? Quite by “chance” I had a conversation with Val and discovered that she was planning to run the Foundation year in Homeopathy in Bexhill. We had a long chat, during which I found reasons why I wouldn’t be able to join the course, all red herrings, because I actually felt very excited by the idea! Everything fell into place and I started the course in October at the College of Visionary Homeopathy. I have moments of self-doubt and still work part-time, but life feels very different as it opens up again with the possibility of a new working life at the end of my studies completely in tune with my beliefs. I feel as though I am in the right place and that the whole of my life has been leading me to Homeopathy.
Jackie Collins LCVH, Reiki and Zimbate practitioner, graduate of the College of Visionary Homeopathy.